Journeys Course

    교육안내    Journeys Course

미국교과서 Journeys 과정으로 토론수업을 진행합니다.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정 교육내용

미국 교과서출판의 대표 브랜드인 Houghton Mifflin과 Harcourt사가 만나 2010년에 처음으로 내놓은 Journeys 교재는 2010년 신학기에 텍사스 주에서 교과서 채택 점유율 50%를 넘긴 화제의 교재입니다.

Journeys 교과서는 미국 현지 초등학교에서 사용하고 있는 정규교과 프로그램으로, 실제 미국 아이들의 커리큘럼과 같은 학습을 하며 영어로 사고하고, 과목별 컨텐츠를 이해할 수 있는 수준 높은 학습을 할 수 있습니다.

Vocabulary, Reading, Writing, Grammar, Speaking 등 영어 학습의 모든 영역을 Journeys 교과서 하나로 체계적으로 성장시키는 최고의 프로그램입니다.

저희 페트라아카데미의 선생님들은 Journeys 교재의 학습목표와 부합하도록 Teacher’s Edition교재를 기본으로 학습하시고, 십여 년 가까운 토론수업 강의경험을 바탕으로 하여 최선의 강의를 진행하고 계시며, 학생 개인 개인의 실력과 특징에 따라 다른 교수법을 통하여 학습의 완성도를 높이고 있습니다.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정 교육대상

  • 듣기, 말하기, 읽기 및 쓰기능력을 기초부터 체계적으로 배우고자 하는 학생
  • 원어민과 토론수업으로 Speaking 실력을 향상시키고자 하는 학생
  • 미국으로 조기유학 또는 이민가기 전에 미국교과서에 익숙해지기를 희망하는 학생
  • 국제중학교, 외국어고등학교, SAT 시험을 준비 중인 초, 중, 고등학생

미국교과서 Journeys 과정 교육과정

JC Grade K-1JC Grade K-2JC Grade 1-1JC Grade 1-2JC Grade 1-3
JC Grade 1-4JC Grade 1-5JC Grade 1-6JC Grade 2-1JC Grade 2-2
JC Grade 3-1JC Grade 3-2JC Grade 4JC Grade 5JC Grade 6

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade K-1

교육기간 : 6 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade K-1 교재보기 Journeys Grade K-1 Student Book
Journeys Grade K-1 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade K-1

Children who have already begun to read maybe ready for Journeys Common Core Kindergarten.

Young students are about to learn Letter Names wherein they will learn to recognize different alphabets.

Later on they will learn how to recite the alphabets and identify blend syllables.

Teachers assistance is a must.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade K-2

교육기간 : 6 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade K-2 교재보기 Journeys Grade K-2 Student Book
Journeys Grade K-2 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade K-2

Children who have already begun to read maybe ready for Journeys Common Core Kindergarten.

Young students are about to learn Letter Names wherein they will learn to recognize different alphabets.

Later on they will learn how to recite the alphabets and identify blend syllables.

Teachers assistance is a must.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade 1-1

교육기간 : 2 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade 1-1 교재보기 Journeys Grade 1-1 Student Book
Journeys Grade 1-V1 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade 1-1

Children who are already reading can jumpstart the Journeys Common Core Grade 1.

Young learners will embrace wonderful stories that will make their reading get stronger each day.

Get ready to read new words, visit new places and learn about the world around us.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade 1-2

교육기간 : 2 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade 1-2 교재보기 Journeys Grade 1-2 Student Book
Journeys Grade 1-V1 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade 1-2

Children who are already reading can jumpstart the Journeys Common Core Grade 1.

Young learners will embrace wonderful stories that will make their reading get stronger each day.

Get ready to read new words, visit new places and learn about the world around us.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade 1-3

교육기간 : 2 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade 1-3 교재보기 Journeys Grade 1-3 Student Book
Journeys Grade 1-V1 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade 1-3

Children who are already reading can jumpstart the Journeys Common Core Grade 1.

Young learners will embrace wonderful stories that will make their reading get stronger each day.

Get ready to read new words, visit new places and learn about the world around us.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade 1-4

교육기간 : 2 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade 1-4 교재보기 Journeys Grade 1-4 Student Book
Journeys Grade 1-V2 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade 1-4

Children who are already reading can jumpstart the Journeys Common Core Grade 1.

Young learners will embrace wonderful stories that will make their reading get stronger each day.

Get ready to read new words, visit new places and learn about the world around us.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade 1-5

교육기간 : 2 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade 1-5 교재보기 Journeys Grade 1-5 Student Book
Journeys Grade 1-V2 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade 1-5

Children who are already reading can jumpstart the Journeys Common Core Grade 1.

Young learners will embrace wonderful stories that will make their reading get stronger each day.

Get ready to read new words, visit new places and learn about the world around us.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade 1-6

교육기간 : 2 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade 1-6 교재보기 Journeys Grade 1-6 Student Book
Journeys Grade 1-V2 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade 1-6

Children who are already reading can jumpstart the Journeys Common Core Grade 1.

Young learners will embrace wonderful stories that will make their reading get stronger each day.

Get ready to read new words, visit new places and learn about the world around us.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade 2-1

교육기간 : 6 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade 2-1 교재보기 Journeys Grade 2-1 Student Book
Journeys Grade 2-1 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade 2-1

Children who are often wondering and full of questions.

For students who often asks why and would like to discover a whole lot of perspective through learning.

This level will let the student discover what's inside and be amazed through reading and doing different tasks.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade 2-2

교육기간 : 6 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade 2-2 교재보기 Journeys Grade 2-2 Student Book
Journeys Grade 2-2 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade 2-2

Children who are often wondering and full of questions.

For students who often asks why and would like to discover a whole lot of perspective through learning.

This level will let the student discover what's inside and be amazed through reading and doing different tasks.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade 3-1

교육기간 : 6 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade 3-1 교재보기 Journeys Grade 3-1 Student Book
Journeys Grade 3-1 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade 3-1

Children can understand the reading passages in the book with every journey and every exciting part of the Common Core Student Book.

The students level of excitement is brought about by the student's ability to comprehend each story with the help of the teacher.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade 3-2

교육기간 : 6 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade 3-2 교재보기 Journeys Grade 3-2 Student Book
Journeys Grade 3-2 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade 3-2

Children can understand the reading passages in the book with every journey and every exciting part of the Common Core Student Book.

The students level of excitement is brought about by the student's ability to comprehend each story with the help of the teacher.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade 4

교육기간 : 12 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade 4 교재보기 Journeys Grade 4 Student Book
Journeys Grade 4 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade 4

Children begins to imagine things on their own as they read the book each lesson day they have in class.

The focus is more deeper as they go through with the reading.

The students can now compare what they read before and can differentiate genres and situations with minimal assistance of the teacher.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade 5

교육기간 : 12 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade 5 교재보기 Journeys Grade 5 Student Book
Journeys Grade 5 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade 5

Children shows emotions and gives appropriate responses when reading (example: shows disgust once affected or laughs at a humor).

The student can discuss very well his/her reaction on the stories being read.

Writes down scenarios connected to the story.

미국교과서 Journeys 과정JC Grade 6

교육기간 : 12 Month
Course Books Description
JC Grade 6 교재보기 Journeys Grade 6 Student Book
Journeys Grade 6 Note Book
Journeys (Common Core) Grade 6

Children can very well use the English language to connect, tell and expand about a topic.

The student can freely identify different aspects of the story, from the character, to the setting and finally the main idea of the topic being read.

Discusses with the teacher, give examples and can generally express thoughts well independently.




