
    수강신청    교재소개

교재소개 타이틀이 없음.

교육과정(Course) / 각 교육과정을 선택하시면 해당 교육과정의 레벨별로 교재를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

레벨구성(Level) / 각 레벨을 선택하시면 해당 레벨의 교재를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

Level 6 교재소개(Textbooks) / 교재이미지를 클릭하면 Sample E-book을 보실 수 있습니다.

ORT 6 (24 Books)

ORT 6 (24 Books)

• The ORT 6 stage is where you can express a sentence with new words. It stimulates expression in one's own language with the accumulated amount of words.

• It consists of about 1376 sentences.

Big Cat 6 (29 Books)

Big Cat 6 (29 Books)

• Increased proportion of space allocated to print rather than pictures in fiction.

• Illustrations support overall meaning of text.

• Longer stories with more literary language. Sentence structures more complex.

• Range of text provision, e.g. plays, simple poetry, simple non-fiction of different ty

• Non-fiction texts contain more formal sentences and unfamiliar terms and layouts.

• Approximate word count 250–300




