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Level 5 교재소개(Textbooks) / 교재이미지를 클릭하면 Sample E-book을 보실 수 있습니다.

ORT 5 (36 Books)

ORT 5 (36 Books)

• The ORT 5 is the stage of learning sentence expression and form. It guides the reader to understand the context of the story while presenting his or her own thoughts.

• It consists of around 1829 sentences.

Big Cat 5 (26 Books)

Big Cat 5 (26 Books)

• Varied, longer sentences, with little repetition of phrases. Repeated, unfamiliar words.

• More varied and larger number of characters involved.

• Events sustained over several pages with a larger number of words on page.

• Less familiar, more specialized vocabulary. Illustrations provide moderate support for fiction.

• Print may be located in captions, fact-boxes and diagrams in non-fiction.

• Approximate word count 170–250




