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Creative Writing


Intended for writers who are looking for ways to improve their output. This guide focuses on: fiction writing and the world of genre fiction; ways of drawing on personal experience in order to write non-fiction articles on a variety of topics in a number of different styles; and, writing for children.

This book is a first-rate guide for writers who are looking for ways to improve their output. It focuses on: fiction writing and the world of genre fiction - science, romance, horror and crime; ways of drawing on personal experience in order to write non-fiction articles on a wide variety of topics in a number of different styles; and, writing for children which requires specialist skills that, once mastered, bring enormous satisfaction to both the writer and the reader.

How To Write Essays


This 2nd edition of this straightforward guide to essay writing - an essential skill for students at all levels. It includes expert advice and practical guidance from an experienced author.

Students can dramatically improve their grade assessments by putting into practice some simple, but invaluable principles of essay writing. It deals both with timed exam conditions and coursework essays. Students can use this book to understand exactly what is required of them and how to deliver it - a winning formula.

A Helpful Guide to Essay Writing


The book serves as a guide to students interested in essay writing. The book concentrates on style and clarity in essay writing.

The guidelines should be taken as just that. There is no rule, for example, that says you must plan an essay before writing it. Some people find that they work best by getting the ideas flowing first and imposing some sort of structure later; it is only once they start writing that they start to have an idea of what their direction will be. Even so, they must be clear at the outset as to what the essay title requires of them to make sure that they stay within its constraints.

Perfect Written English


This is an indispensable guide to mastering grammar and improving your writing style. Covering every aspect of good writing—from the correct way to use commas to the most persuasive structure for an argument—it gives step-by-step guidance on how to write fluently and convincingly.

With helpful tips on avoiding common mistakes and practical sections on writing everything from personal web pages to corporate sales reports, this resource has all you need to make sure you get your message across elegantly and effectively.




