
    수강신청    교재소개

교재소개 타이틀이 없음.

교육과정(Course) / 각 교육과정을 선택하시면 해당 교육과정의 레벨별로 교재를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

레벨구성(Level) / 각 레벨을 선택하시면 해당 레벨의 교재를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

JC Grade 5 교재소개(Textbooks) / 교재이미지를 클릭하면 Sample E-book을 보실 수 있습니다.

Journeys Grade 5 Student Book

Journeys (Common Core) Grade 5 Student Book

This part of the book will bring students to a virtual ride on a space shuttle to the country side of Spain, where a knight battles a windmill. On the way, students will learn amazing things as they become a better reader.

Included in this text book:
• questions and activities focus on using text evidence,
• talking and writing about text,
• comparing texts

Journeys Grade 5 Note Book

Journeys (Common Core) Grade 5 Note Book

This Practice Book is for Grade 5 which consists of Units 1-6 with Lessons from 1 to 30.

• Grade 5, Units 1-6, Lessons 1-30

A practice book designed to accompany the Journeys Student Book. Pages for the skills taught each week include:
• phonics,
• vocabulary,
• comprehension,
• grammar,
• spelling
• writing




