
    수강신청    교재소개

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교육과정(Course) / 각 교육과정을 선택하시면 해당 교육과정의 레벨별로 교재를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

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JC Grade 4 교재소개(Textbooks) / 교재이미지를 클릭하면 Sample E-book을 보실 수 있습니다.

Journeys Grade 4 Student Book

Journeys (Common Core) Grade 4 Student Book

This book will set you out on a reading journey that will take you from the underwater world of Japanese folktale to the American wilderness of Sacagawea in 1804. On the way, you'll learn amazing things as you become a better writer. The reading journey begins with a story about a remarkable dog named Winn-Dixie.

Included in this text book:
• questions and activities focus on using text evidence,
• talking and writing about text,
• comparing texts

Journeys Grade 4 Note Book

Journeys (Common Core) Grade 4 Note Book

This Practice Book is for Grade 4 which consists of Units 1-6 with Lessons from 1 to 30.

• Grade 4, Units 1-6, Lessons 1-30

A practice book designed to accompany the Journeys Student Book. Pages for the skills taught each week include:
• phonics,
• vocabulary,
• comprehension,
• grammar,
• spelling
• writing




