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JC Grade K-2 교재소개(Textbooks) / 교재이미지를 클릭하면 Sample E-book을 보실 수 있습니다.

Journeys Grade K-2 Student Book

Journeys (Common Core) Grade K-2 Student Book

Young learners will explore more new fun and adventures through learning.
The book contains the learning for high frequency words and vocabulary instruction that will accompany young learners through the Journeys Kindergarten program and will give young learners the sense of children's literacy skills, as well as their interest and motivation for reading.

Among other things, children learn to:
• recite rhymes and sing songs,
• listen for rhyming words,
• recognize the name and letters,
• recognize their first and last names in print,
• handle books properly and
• beware of print in their environment.

Journeys Grade K-2 Note Book

Journeys (Common Core) Grade K-2 Note Book

This Practice Book is for Kinder 2 which consists of Units 4, 5 and 6 with Lessons from 16 to 30.

• Kinder 2, Units 4-6, Lessons 16-30

One easy-to-use workbook provides support for reading, writings, grammar, and spelling.
Reader’s Notebook features practice pages for the various skill strands in a lesson.

The practice includes:
• phonics,
• words to know,
• vocabulary strategies,
• comprehension,
• spelling,
• grammar
• writing




