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TR Grade 1-4 교재소개(Textbooks) / 교재이미지를 클릭하면 Sample E-book을 보실 수 있습니다.

Treasures Grade 1-4 Student Book

Treasures Grade 1-4 Student Book
Learn about animals, the weather and how they effect the environment
Rich, accessible literature builds reading skills and strategies in oral language, vocabulary, comprehension, and writng to develop a strong foundation and a lifetime love of reading.
• Includes new fatures and strategies designed to reach every student at every level
• Promotes mastery of oral language, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills
• Provides weekly and unit practice for test preparation

Treasures Grade 1-4 Practice Book

Treasures Grade 1-4 Practice Book
Practice is provided for all key skills.
• Offers additional support for Critical Thinking, Comprehension Skills, Phonics, and Vocabulary
• Perforated sheets

Treasures Grade 1-4 Grammar Book

Treasures Grade 1-4 Grammar Book
This reference tool provides more practice and support for daily grammar and writing.
• Includes additional practice with grammar, usage and mechanics
• Support for study skills, vocabulary, and word problems
• Contains troubleshooter section for commonly made mistakes.

Treasures Grade 1-4 Spelling Book

Treasures Grade 1-4 Spelling Book
Daily spelling practice is provided for each lesson.
• Contains weekly support for literature and phonics instruction.
• Offers pretests, word sorts, word meaning, and proofreading exercises.

Treasures Grade 1-4 LR Book Week 1

Treasures Grade 1-4 Leveled Reader Book 1.4 Week 1
[So Many Penguins]
This book offer students access to a variety of genres on their instructional level.
This book gives teachers the tools to address the individual needs in the classroom.
• Matches the student to the text
• Reinforce core skills and strategies
• Includes literacy activities and comprehension questions

Treasures Grade 1-4 LR Book Week 2

Treasures Grade 1-4 Leveled Reader Book 1.4 Week 2
[Save Paper Save Trees]
This book offer students access to a variety of genres on their instructional level.
This book gives teachers the tools to address the individual needs in the classroom.
• Matches the student to the text
• Reinforce core skills and strategies
• Includes literacy activities and comprehension questions

Treasures Grade 1-4 LR Book Week 3

Treasures Grade 1-4 Leveled Reader Book 1.4 Week 3
[What will the Weather Be?]
This book offer students access to a variety of genres on their instructional level.
This book gives teachers the tools to address the individual needs in the classroom.
• Matches the student to the text
• Reinforce core skills and strategies
• Includes literacy activities and comprehension questions

Treasures Grade 1-4 LR Book Week 4

Treasures Grade 1-4 Leveled Reader Book 1.4 Week 4
[Sylvia Earle(Scientist of the Sea)]
This book offer students access to a variety of genres on their instructional level.
This book gives teachers the tools to address the individual needs in the classroom.
• Matches the student to the text
• Reinforce core skills and strategies
• Includes literacy activities and comprehension questions

Treasures Grade 1-4 LR Book Week 5

Treasures Grade 1-4 Leveled Reader Book 1.4 Week 5
[The Lion and the Mouse]
This book offer students access to a variety of genres on their instructional level.
This book gives teachers the tools to address the individual needs in the classroom.
• Matches the student to the text
• Reinforce core skills and strategies
• Includes literacy activities and comprehension questions

Treasures Grade 1-4 Listening Library CD

Treasures Grade 1-4 Listening Library CD
Listening CD
This reference tool provides more practice and support for listenning skills.
• Includes additional practice with listenning CD.




