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교육과정(Course) / 각 교육과정을 선택하시면 해당 교육과정의 레벨별로 교재를 확인하실 수 있습니다.

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TR Grade 1-1 교재소개(Textbooks) / 교재이미지를 클릭하면 Sample E-book을 보실 수 있습니다.

Treasures Grade 1-1 Student Book

Treasures Grade 1-1 Student Book

Explore who we are and how we grow up and work together
Rich, accessible literature builds reading skills and strategies in oral language, vocabulary, comprehension, and writng to develop a strong foundation and a lifetime love of reading.
• Includes new fatures and strategies designed to reach every student at every level
• Promotes mastery of oral language, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills
• Provides weekly and unit practice for test preparation

Treasures Grade 1-1 Practice Book

Treasures Grade 1-1 Practice Book

Practice is provided for all key skills.
• Offers additional support for Critical Thinking, Comprehension Skills, Phonics, and Vocabulary
• Perforated sheets

Treasures Grade 1-1 Grammar Book

Treasures Grade 1-1 Grammar Book

This reference tool provides more practice and support for daily grammar and writing.
• Includes additional practice with grammar, usage and mechanics
• Support for study skills, vocabulary, and word problems
• Contains troubleshooter section for commonly made mistakes.

Treasures Grade 1-1 Spelling Book

Treasures Grade 1-1 Spelling Book

Daily spelling practice is provided for each lesson.
• Contains weekly support for literature and phonics instruction.
• Offers pretests, word sorts, word meaning, and proofreading exercises.

Treasures Grade 1-1 LR Book Week 1

Treasures Grade 1-1 Leveled Reader Book 1.1 Week 1

[Can you?]
This book offer students access to a variety of genres on their instructional level.
This book gives teachers the tools to address the individual needs in the classroom.
• Matches the student to the text
• Reinforce core skills and strategies
• Includes literacy activities and comprehension questions

Treasures Grade 1-1 LR Book Week 2

Treasures Grade 1-1 Leveled Reader Book 1.1 Week 2

[We like Sports]
This book offer students access to a variety of genres on their instructional level.
This book gives teachers the tools to address the individual needs in the classroom.
• Matches the student to the text
• Reinforce core skills and strategies
• Includes literacy activities and comprehension questions

Treasures Grade 1-1 LR Book Week 3

Treasures Grade 1-1 Leveled Reader Book 1.1 Week 3

[We Grow Up]
This book offer students access to a variety of genres on their instructional level.
This book gives teachers the tools to address the individual needs in the classroom.
• Matches the student to the text
• Reinforce core skills and strategies
• Includes literacy activities and comprehension questions

Treasures Grade 1-1 LR Book Week 4

Treasures Grade 1-1 Leveled Reader Book 1.1 Week 4

[Rosa's New Puppy]
This book offer students access to a variety of genres on their instructional level.
This book gives teachers the tools to address the individual needs in the classroom.
• Matches the student to the text
• Reinforce core skills and strategies
• Includes literacy activities and comprehension questions

Treasures Grade 1-1 LR Book Week 5

Treasures Grade 1-1 Leveled Reader Book 1.1 Week 5

[We Can Help]
This book offer students access to a variety of genres on their instructional level.
This book gives teachers the tools to address the individual needs in the classroom.
• Matches the student to the text
• Reinforce core skills and strategies
• Includes literacy activities and comprehension questions

Treasures Grade 1-1 Listening Library CD

Treasures Grade 1-1 Listening Library CD

Listening CD
This reference tool provides more practice and support for listenning skills.
• Includes additional practice with listenning CD.




